Educational Vice-president of Minister of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Dr. Mojtaba Shariati Niasar Gives Speech on the Second Day of Meeting of Secretaries General of National Commissions of ISESCO

12 November 2018 | 11:59 Code : 1115 News Important News

The Necessity of Setting up a Center for Scientific Development of ISESCO

Pointing to the necessity of setting up a center for scientific development of ISESCO, the educational vice-president of minister of Science, Research and Technology said: “I recommend the ISESCO member countries to establish a center for scientific development of ISESCO in their countries so that it helps the undeveloped countries get improved in science, research, and technology by defining and developing scientific indicators.”

Based on the reports of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) and Regional Information Center for Science and Technology (RICeST) Office of International Scientific Cooperation (OISC), on the second day of the meeting of secretaries general of National Commissions of ISESCO which was held in ISC, Dr. Mojtaba Shariati Niasar stated: “We are delighted that in the condition that superpowers of the world are trying to impose pressure on Islamic countries, especially Iran, we could have this opportunity to meet representatives of different countries which shows unity of ISESCO member countries by which we can come to a better synergy for development of scientific activities.”

Stating that theoretical studies has replaced practical and skill-based learning, Tehran University faculty member emphasized: “Education in Germany is based on skills and technology. That is why they have made significant advances in industry and are outstanding in the world.”

The educational vice-president of minister of Science, Research and Technology pointed to one of the important points in scientific conferences and said: “All countries of the world seek for international cooperation in order to develop the country’s capabilities in education and science. ISESCO can help Islamic countries in this regard.”

Presenting statistics about the number of Iranian students, he said: “Currently, there are more than 4 million students and 80 thousand faculty members in Iran.”

Pointing to the activities of 2000 centers and institutions of higher education in Iran, Shariati Niasar elaborated: “Among these institutions and universities, there are prominent universities like Payame Noor University the main role of which is to develop virtual education. This university has also international branches. Iran has two skill-based universities which have been planned for public education in particular. Their main role is training technicians as school teachers.”

Stating that Iran has good capabilities in education, the educational vice-president of minister of Science, Research and Technology suggested Iran to be mentioned as the turning point of OIC member countries.

In continuance, he declared: “Currently, there are 700 non-governmental universities in Iran. 1.5% of our students are foreign and mostly from neighboring countries. Despite the sanctions, Iran is in good condition and we are active in all areas of science, research, and technology.”

Stating that 50 percent of students in Iran are female students, Shariati Niasar said: “I recommend the ISESCO member countries to establish an institution as a center for scientific development of ISESCO to help the undeveloped countries get improved in science, research, and technology by defining and developing scientific indicators. In fact, this center can help the Islamic countries compete with developed countries. It can also create synergy for countries to solve the ecological problems like water crises.”

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