Requirements for the Journal Evaluation Processing


Requirements for the Journal Evaluation Processing

Dear Editor-in-chief,

The editor-in chief or managing editor of scientific journals are required to submit their request for journal evaluation along with bibliographic specifications to, preferably through organizational email and following the conditions met as below:   

Journals published or license-owned by a university should submit their request annexed with the Appointment Letter for the Editorial Board which has been signed and issued by the University Vice Chancellor for Research Affairs.   

List of Requirements

  • Designated an ISSN
  • Developed an independent and comprehensive website including all journal bibliographic specifications
  • Demonstrated at least two consecutive years of publishing record
  • Mentioned publisher’s name on homepage
  • Published at least 6 articles per issue and 24 per year
  • Published timely issues
  • Received DOR or DOI for each journal article
  • Followed a consistently standard citation method and included DOR and/or DOI in the table of contents for each article
  • Introduced email address and phone number
  • Provided access to abstracts, bibliographic information and the full text of articles
  • Allocated a maximum of 10% of articles to the editorial board, managing director and the editor-in-chief in the previous year
  • Dedicated a maximum of 25% to the publisher or license owner’s contingent affiliation to the articles
  • Stipulated the review process on the journal's website vividly
  • Determined journal's policy on condemning alleged plagiarism cases
  • Followed ethical principles of scientific publishing

ISC Criterion Table for Journal Evaluation  

Note: If a journal fails to meet conditions 11 and 12, it can submit a request for re-evaluation to the ISC Department of Evaluation and Accreditation.

ISC Approval of Journal’s Indexing Process

Journals are evaluated based upon the ISC Regulation of Indexing following the completion of a 15-criterion review process. Obviously, journals are reviewed after obtaining the minimum necessary points (above 80) in order to fulfil the criteria required to be indexed in the ISC. On the date of the evaluation meeting for a journal, the followings will impact the final result of the process: geographical and organizational distributions of the editorial board members, the academic ranks of the editorial board members, geographical and organizational diversity of the authors, the record of the journal, detailed review of the latest issue published and, if necessary, the result of the expert review of the journal.

ISC Journal Evaluation Form

Journal Code:

Journal Title:

Total Score:




Evaluation Date:

Obtained Score

Standard Score






Elsevier, Springer, John Wiley, Science Direct…

Publisher’s Academic Credence (0-10)



University, Research Institute, Top Subject Society (top 1/3 rating)


Other Universities, Research Institutes, Top Subject Society in ISC Ranking


Other (Private Publisher)

Evaluation Vetoed!

Anonymous Publisher or License Owner


Cited in Top Citation List by the MSRT

Journal’s Academic Credence




Cited in General Citation List by Ebsco, Proquest, Emerald, Elsevier, ESCI, ETC.


SID, Scholar, Magiran, Civilica and Other National Top Citation Lists (1 point) and DOAJ (1/2 point)


Not cited in any Citation List


Well-defined Review Process


Similarity Check


Publication Ethical Codes


Single Specific Subject (e.g. Mathematics)

Thematic Focus




Multiple Related Subjects (e.g. Electronics and Computer)


Single Comprehensive Subject (e.g. Social Sciences)


Multiple Comprehensive Subjects (e.g. Humanities/Engineering)

***Additional Issue must not be a special issue.


Issues published according to the journal website

Regular Publication



2 negative points will be assigned for any month of latency

Having a Late Issue

1 negative point will be assigned for any additional issue

Having an Additional Issue

Evaluation Vetoed!

Minimum, 6 articles per issue and 24 articles per year

Evaluation Vetoed!

Having more than one Late Issue

Maximum 15 points

Multiple Countries

Geographical and Organizational Distribution of Editorial Board members



Maximum 12 points

Single Country


Evaluation Vetoed!

Editorial Board members with no affiliations

Evaluation Vetoed!

Fewer than 7 Editorial Board members

Evaluation Vetoed!

No Editorial Board members


Full Professor

Faculty Members Academic Rank (0-5)



Associate professor


Assistant Professor


Editorial Board members with no Academic Ranks (Vetoed)

Maximum point: 15

Multiple countries

Geographical and Organizational Distribution of Authors



Maximum Point for Farsi Journals: 15

Maximum Point for English Journals: 12

A single country


2 negative points for each case

Complete Bibliographic data including ISSN, publisher, well-defined citation methodology (Evaluation vetoed!), publication period, and authors’ affiliations including University name, college, department, city, country, email (at least 1)(Evaluation vetoed!)

Complete Bibliography and Affiliation Data




Each Case 2 points

Email address and Open Access Policy (Evaluation vetoed!), ZIP Code, Phone No., Data Retrieval possibility (Evaluation vetoed!).

Online Content and Contact Information



Last Updated on March 2, 2024 

Last Update At : 17 April 2024