D-8/ ISC one day talks- initiatives and projects on the table

19 August 2019 | 00:00 Code : 1240 News Important News

The Secretary-General of D-8, Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari met with the President of the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), Dr. Mohammad Javad Dehghani in order to discuss ways of implementing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between two institutions last year. The visit was upon the invitation of the President of ISC.

The meeting was held at the Headquarters of ISC on 19th August, 2019 in Shiraz, the Islamic Republic of Iran. At the meeting, the Secretary-General of the D-8 Organization, His Excellency Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari was accompanied by the Director Administrative, Legal and Internal Issues, Mr. Nasir Aminu and Research Analyst and Press Officer, Mr. Ilham Uludag.

The delegation of D-8 Secretariat visited various departments of the Center and met with the staff of ISC before the meeting started.

The programme commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran and the National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Then the program continued with the welcome statements of the President of ISC, Dr. Mohammad Javad Dehghani and the statement of the Secretary-General of the D-8 Organization, His Excellency Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari.

The meeting was also attended by the senior officials of ISC including the Vice President, Research and Technology, Dr. M. Haghighat, and Vice President, Financial and Administrative Affairs, Dr. M. R. Salehi. There was also a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, Mr. M. Zaraie.

In his welcome statement, Dr. Dehghani warmly welcomed the delegation of D-8 Secretariat to the ISC and thanked them for their kind participation in the meeting.

The Secretary-General of D-8, in his statement, also thanked the President and all the staff of ISC who played a role in organizing the meeting. He also expressed his appreciation to the President and related officers for the excellent hospitality and other courtesies extended to the delegation of the D-8 Secretariat. He also added that the Islamic Republic of Iran is hosting two significant D-8 affiliated bodies which are the D-8 Technology and Transfer Exchange Network (TTEN) and the D-8 International University.

After the welcome statements, ISC officials made illuminating presentations regarding the capacity, activities and projects of their departments and the projects they prepared in order to establish D-8 Map of Scientific Excellence and Collaboration (D-8-MSEC). They include Mr. J. Hayat Davoodi of the Department of Analysis of Resources, Ms. F. Khalifeh of the Department of Citation Programming, Dr. M. Senati of the Department of Universities Ranking, Dr. B. Pahlavanzadeh of the Department of Information and Communication Technology.

Mr. J. Hayat Davoodi presented the proposal of project for establishment of D-8 Map of Scientific Excellence and Collaboration (D8-MSEC) and briefed the meeting regarding the details of the project for the D-8 Member States. He also mentioned that this analytical reporting platform is to publish in depth scientometric analysis on status quo, trends, strengths and weaknesses of research output of D-8 Member States.

Then, Ms. F. Khalifeh introduced the demo of the platform prepared for the D-8 Database Center and briefed the meeting regarding the details and features of this system.

Dr. M. Senati and Dr. B. Pahlavanzadeh also provided some technical information regarding the project that the ISC carried out for the D-8 Database Center and demonstrated some technical features regarding the platform for scientific database.

After the presentations, the introductory video of D-8 Organization was viewed and the Secretary-General of D-8, Ambassador Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari briefed the attendants regarding the history, objectives and activities of the D-8 Organization.

The Secretary-General also shared details regarding the initiatives and projects of the D-8 Secretariat in different fields such as D-8 Chamber of Commerce and Industry (D-8 CCI), D-8 Network of Pioneers of Research and Innovation (D-8 NPRI), D-8 Research Center, D-8 Creative Economy and Financial Center, D-8 Industrial Zone, D-8 Technology and Transfer of Exchange Network (D-8 TTEN), D-8 Health Partnership, D-8 International University, Barter Trading System and some other initiatives related to private sector.




tags: D-8 ISC meeting D-8 Research Center

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