A Reflection on Pakistan Journals in ISC

20 October 2020 | 13:08 Code : 1448 News Important News

An Introduction to JCR


Journal Citation Reports (JCR) (https://jcr.isc.gov.ir/main.aspx) is derived from international Scientometric standards and is an essential tool for in-depth analysis and ranking of scholarly and professional journals. This tool covers different languages including Persian, English, French, and Arabic. By analyzing citations, Islamic World Journal Citation Reports measures research influence and impact at the journal and category levels and shows the relationship between citing and cited journals. Exploring the impact and influence of the Islamic World’s leading scholarly journals is possible by performing direct comparisons of titles using trend analysis.  This Product helps researchers keep up with the latest bibliometric developments, track publication and citation patterns to aid strategy and policy making, identify the most influential journals in which to publish articles, determine journal’s influence in the marketplace and review editorial functions.


JCR pursues significant goals in Islamic World:

  • Evaluating and ranking journals based on scientometric criteria
  • Systematic and objective review of the Islamic World’s leading journals
  • Providing the context to understand a journal’s true place in the scholarly world
  • Applying a combination of impact metrics, and citing and cited data points to comprise the complete Islamic World citation network.


JCR offers various analysis options:

  • journals’ Impact Factors
  • journals’ Immediacy Index
  • journals’ Cited Half-Life
  • journals’ Total Cites
  • journals’ Total Articles
  • Citing Journals
  • Cited Journals
  • Journals’ Bibliographic Information
  • Advanced Filtering Options
  • Trend Analyses


Subject Assignment in JCR

In JCR, there are three levels of subjects: Macro Level, Mid-Level and Micro Level. ISC has assigned subjects according to categorization of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran until 2016. However, since 2017, subject assignment of ISC in JCR has been done based on international databases categorization, with some slight changes. The Macro Level subjects reported currently in ISC include: Life Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Health Sciences, Physical Sciences and Multidisciplinary.


A Reflection on Pakistan Journals in ISCA Reflection on Pakistan Journals in ISCA Reflection on Pakistan Journals in ISC

* https://jcr.isc.gov.ir/styles/images/master.pngPrimary Journals  https://jcr.isc.gov.ir/styles/images/wait.pngWaiting Journals https://jcr.isc.gov.ir/styles/images/jcup.pngCore Collection

* From among 61 journals reported above in 2017, 5 were excluded in 2020.


Pakistan, with 61 journals holds the 7th place among OIC countries after Iran (1702 journals (479 English journals)), Turkey (318 journals), Egypt (187 journals), Malaysia (167 journals), United Arab Emirates (110 journals) and Iraq (87). As shown in the table above, from among the 61 journals of Pakistan indexed in ISC, 9 are in core collection, 24 are in waiting journals, and the rest are in primary journals. With regard to language, 60 journals are in English and one in Persian.

A Reflection on Pakistan Journals in ISC

The subjects covered by Pakistan’s journals include “Arts and Humanities”, “Health Sciences”, “Life Sciences”, “Social Sciences”, “Physical Sciences” and “Multidisciplinary” in Macro level and “Arts”, “Humanities”, “Medicine”, “Nursing”, “Veterinary”, “Agricultural and Biological Sciences”, “Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology”, “Immunology and Microbiology”, “Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics”, “Chemistry”, “Computer Sciences”, “Earth and Planetary Sciences”, “Engineering”, “Environmental Sciences”, “Materials Sciences”, “Mathematics”, “Physics and Astronomy”, “Business, Management and Accounting”, “Decision Sciences”, “Economics, Econometrics and Finance”, “Psychology”, “Social Sciences” and “Multidisciplinary” in Mid-level.

Based on the data, the journal “International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security” with an Impact Factor of 0.738 is the best journal of Pakistan in ISC. It is Q1 in Macro Level Subject of Physical Sciences and Mid-Level Subject of Computer Sciences. It is in the Waiting List of JCR journals as well.





tags: JCR Pakistan Journals