Iran in Global Visualizer Scale in November

29 November 2020 | 09:15 Code : 1470 News Important News

In order to statistically analyze and achieve better results using information extracted from the Covid-19 system related to 13 countries (China, Iran, Russia, Turkey, Brazil, Spain, the USA, France, Canada, England, Germany, Pakistan and Italy) over the past 8 months, the relevant statistics are shown in Table 1. In this table, the average daily growth rate of the disease in each month is calculated. In order to inform the relevant results, based on the average growth of countries in November, it has been arranged in ascending order. As can be seen, Italy with an average daily growth rate of 3.73%, Germany with 2.83%, France with 2.67% and the United Kingdom with 2.11% had the highest average daily growth rate of the disease in November.

As can be seen, Iran has returned to the conditions of 6 months ago, i.e. May, with an average daily growth of 1.41%, with the difference that the population of patients at that time was 10,000 and about 100 new patients were added daily, but in November with The population of patients turned to 830,000 and the average daily increase is about 10,000 new patients, which is relatively high.


Tables 2 and 3 show the average daily growth rate of the disease recovery as well as the average death rate of 13 countries in the last 8 months. The average growth rate is in fact a moving average on monthly time intervals and as a result the obtained numbers and by comparing this index we can understand the trend of disease spread as well as the disease control. It should be noted that all the values ​​calculated in November (column 9 of the tables) are arranged in ascending order.

As can be seen from Table 2, the average daily growth rate of recovery in the world has decreased from 1.26 % in September to 0.98 % in October and again to 0.88 % in November. However, for Iran, the average growth rate of daily recovery in September increased from 0.55% to 0.65% in October and 0.99% in November. In November, the average daily growth rate of recovery in was Italy (2.38%), Germany (2.2%), Canada (1.32%), Russia (1.17%) and France (1.11%). Compared to Iran, other concurrent countries, including the United States, Turkey, Brazil, and Pakistan, have lower average daily growth rates than Iran.

Table 1: Analytical statistics of ISC Covid-19 Visualizer Average daily growth rate of disease outbreak (percentage) in the last 8 months in 13 countries

Table 2: Analytical statistics of ISC Covid-19 Visualizer Average daily growth rate of disease outbreak (percentage) in the last 8 months in 13 countries

tags: ISC COVID-19 Visualizer COVID-19

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