Iran Becomes A Leader in Scientific Diplomacy in the World (Part 2)

29 November 2020 | 11:44 Code : 1475 News Important News

The development of international scientific partnerships and scientific diplomacy is one of the main policies of I.R. Iran, which is also emphasized by the country's higher education system. Scientific participation is one of the policies emphasized in the comprehensive scientific map of the country.

If the growth rate of scientific participation is considered every year compared to the previous year, it will be clear that this growth rate for the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2017 compared to 2018 was equal to 3.4 percent and in 2018 compared to 2019 was equal to 14 percent. The last year has been the highest possible.


After Iran, Poland, the United Kingdom and Taiwan each had the highest growth in scientific diplomacy with 6%. Among Islamic countries, Malaysia had the highest growth after Iran, which was 5%.

The share of articles with international participation has accelerated from the total number of articles produced in all subject areas. But by calculating the growth of 2019 compared to 2018, the fields of humanities and basic sciences have had the highest growth rate.


Among the subject areas in 2019, about 30% of the scientific publications in basic sciences was in Iran, which is the highest share among the subject areas. After that, the articles in technology and engineering and agricultural sciences are in the next place with 29%. The share of articles with the international participation of social science researchers in the total number of articles in this field is 28%. Similarly, 22% of medical science articles in 2019 were with international participation. This figure is 17% for the humanities.


tags: Iran Science Diplomacy ISC Master Journals list ISC ranking

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