ISC workshop for Ruhr University Bochum

17 February 2021 | 12:45 Code : 1560 News Important News

Office of International Scientific Cooperation, Feb 16th 2021

Shiraz, Iran


In accordance with their visions and missions, Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) and Regional Information Center for Science and Technology (RICeST), have attempted to broaden a wide international cooperation with both the regional and world countries. Their services have been complied to open new visions to science seekers including students, scholars, faculty members, editorial board members, etc.).

Due to this, and based on the previous negotiations for opening RICeST branch in Ruhr-University Bochum, a workshop entitled “Virtual Workshop on Introduction to ISC and RICeST Services” was held on Feb, 16th 2021 with the attendees from Ruhr university Bochum (Central Library and Department of Oriental and Islamic Studies) and the Center for Religious Studies (CERES).

This workshop provides a venue for stakeholders working in publication industry, librarianship, research, and education to use ISC and RICeST databases as great sources of scientific information in various languages especially Persian language. The topics covered in this workshop include: A brief history of RICeST, RICeST databases and services, how to search full text articles in RICeST, A brief history of ISC, and ISC databases and services.

ISC strategic plan has been put to practice based on the evolution in world’s view upon Islamic countries rank in scientific paradigms. That happens due to ISC’s common aspects and outlandish properties with international synchronic centers and the quantitative and qualitative improvement in Islamic universities and research institutes. All these together with the fact that the main confronting population ahead of ISC are Islamic world researchers, universities and research institutes’ faculty members, and policy makers turns ISC’s policies into the following:


ISC as an international and creditable center has endeavored to support Islamic countries’ huge educational and research policies through providing, assessing, and updating research information using eligible human resources and advanced technology based on the last global standards to measure their scientometric activities.

ISC 2025 vision is to gain the scientometric leadership and assessment among Islamic countries and enjoying a high position and an alignment with the prestigious citation centers and ranking institute.

RICeST is a pioneer center in acquisition, process and dissemination of scientific and technical information, with the following features: Apply novel principles and ideas of information and knowledge management for intelligent organization of multilingual resources; Advance the ICT for better management of data, information and knowledge; Facilitate the accessibility of information resources for Iran and regional countries; Support education and research throughout Iran and regional countries, aiming at the development of informed societies; Foster scientific communication among academicians and freelance researchers through knowledge synergy.   

The Ruhr-University Bochum is one of the largest universities in Germany and part of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the most important German research funding organization.

tags: bochum ruhr university bochum vc video confernce virtual

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