Higher Education in Indonesia

19 April 2021 | 12:56 Code : 1623 News Important News

Indonesia’s higher education system is binary in nature. It has an academic, research-oriented track and a more applied vocational or professional track. The country’s qualifications framework, established in 2012 to facilitate mobility between academic programs and the recognition of prior learning, illustrates the different subsystems and how they are related.

Indonesia’s higher education degree structure is defined in a logical numerical hierarchy. It includes credentials called Sarjana at the undergraduate level (Sarjana Strata 1 – S1), graduate level (Sarjana Strata Dua – S2, commonly called Magister), and doctoral level (Sarjana Strata 3 – S3, commonly called Doktor). In addition, there are graduate-level specialization programs (Specialis 1 and Specialis 2) in professional disciplines like medicine, as well as four levels of vocationally oriented diploma programs.

The Ministry of Research, Technology & Higher Education have defined its Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategic Objectives as follows:

Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology & Higher Education establish the following vision: 

Higher education is intended to produce graduates who are knowledgeable, educated, and skillful whilst innovation and science & technology are understood with human resource expertise and research & development institution and also universities during execution of research, development and application of science and technology supported with ongoing factors (institutions, human resource, and network).

Meanwhile, national competitiveness should be understood as contribution of science & technology and higher education within the economy and shown through excellence of technology products as a result of research & development.

As an effort to accomplish those visions provided through industries/companies supported by R&D institution and skilled work force with higher education as mentioned above, then the Ministry of Research, Technology & Education mission are as follows:

  1. Improve access, relevancy, and quality of higher education to produce qualified human resource;
  2. Improve innovation and science & technology capability to add value of their products; and
  3. Realizing good governance in the framework of bureaucratic reform

These mission are intended to provide answers of issues related to development of higher education and science & technology throughout the period of 2015-2019 that arise within aspects of learning process and student, institution, resource, research and development, and innovation enhancement.

In order to achieve the Ministry of Research, Technology & Higher Education vision and mission mentioned above, it need to be formalized in an operable and applicable form through strategic goals identification. Hence, to solve issues identified in previous chapter and to accomplish the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education vision and mission, the strategic goals need to be achieved is:

“Improve relevancy, quantity and quality of human resource with higher education, equipped with science & technology and innovation ability for national competitiveness”

There are 5 (five) Strategic Objectives, as an elaboration of the strategic goals mentioned earlier, that need to be accomplished within the 2015-2019 period. Those are:

  1. Improvement of higher education learning process and student quality
  2. Improvement on Science & Technology Institutions and higher education quality.
  3. Improvement on relevancy, quality, and quantity of human resource for higher education and science and technology
  4. Improvement on relevancy than productivity of research and development; and

       5. Strengthen innovation capability

Higher Education in Indonesia

Higher Education in Indonesia

Higher Education in Indonesia

Higher Education in Indonesia

Higher Education in Indonesia











tags: Indonesia higher education