58 universities from Iran among THE Asian Universities

Significant growth in the number of Iranian universities
08 June 2022 | 10:30 Code : 1822 News Important News

Office of International and Scientific Cooperation (OISC), June. 07, 2022

The Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2022 featured top colleges and universities from over 31 territories in Asia.

In the latest ranking report of Asian universities in 2022, 616 universities from 31 countries are ranked and 58 universities from Iran are present, of which 6 universities are among the top 100 universities in Asia. This is while the number of Iranian universities last year was 47.

In 2022, Iran had 58 universities among the top Asian universities, of which 47 universities in 2021 and 40 universities in 2020, 40 universities in 2019, 29 universities in 2018, 18 universities in 2017. Iran's share in terms of the number of universities in 2013 was equal to 3%, which in 2022 has reached 9.4%.

tags: asian countries asian universities ranking2022 THE

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