345 Iranian female researchers among the world's highly-cited researchers

11 January 2023 | 14:41 Code : 1933 News Important News

Office of International Scientific Cooperation, Jan, 11. 2023

According to its missions, Islamic World Science & Technology Monitoring and Citation Institute (ISC) is responsible for monitoring the status of science and technology in Iran, Islamic Countries and the world.

Among these, one of the indicators of scientific authority is the number of highly cited researchers in each country. Top highly-cited researchers are divided into three lists of 0.1 highly-cited researchers (HCR), one percent highly-cited researchers and two percent highly-cited researchers, which are extracted and announced annually.

Among Iranian highly-cited researchers, women are also present and have played their part in the scientific authority of Iran. It is worth mentioning that there are 345 Iranian female researchers in the list of 2,793 highly cited Iranian researchers.

tags: ISC Highly Cited Researchers

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