Iranian Universities' Position in ISC Islamic World University Rankings 2022

01 March 2023 | 14:06 Code : 1956 News Important News

Office of International Scientific Cooperation, Feb. 28, 2023

74 universities from the Islamic Republic of Iran are included in ISC Islamic World University Rankings 2022. Meanwhile, there were 58 universities from Iran in Islamic World University Rankings 2021.

Among the Iranian universities included in this ranking, Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Tehran University are among the top 10 universities in the Islamic world, while Tarbiat Modares University, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Iranian University of Medical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Amirkabir  University of Technology, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan Iran University of Technology and Isfahan University of Medical Sciences are universities ranked below 50.

The universities present in the current year ranking are as follows:

There are 37 comprehensive universities in this ranking, which are:

Tehran University, Tarbiat Modares University, Shiraz University, Shahid Beheshti University, Tabriz University, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad University, Guilan University, Isfahan University, Yazd University, Zanjan University, Semnan University, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman University, Kashan University, Bu-Ali Sina University, Razi University, Urmia University, Yasouj University, Imam Khomeini International University, Kharazmi University, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz University, Shahrekord University, Kurdistan University, Mazandaran University, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Zanjan University, Shahid Madani University, Azerbaijan University, Lorestan University, Maragheh University, Sistan and Baluchistan University, Al-Zahra University, Arak University, Shahid University, Shahid Rajaee University, Birjand University, Persian Gulf University, Sari Agricultural Sciences University, Hormozgan University and Allameh Tabatabai University.


There are 23 universities of medical sciences in this ranking, which are:


Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Iran Medical Sciences, Tabriz Medical Sciences, Mashhad Medical Sciences, Isfahan Medical Sciences, Shiraz Medical Sciences, Kermanshah Medical Sciences, Golestan Medical Sciences, Jundishapur Medical Sciences, Ahvaz , Kerman Medical Sciences, Babol Medical Sciences, Baqiyatullah Medical Sciences, Mazandaran Medical Sciences, Qazvin Medical Sciences, Kurdistan Medical Sciences, Lorestan Medical Sciences, Urmia Medical Sciences, Zahedan Medical Sciences, Ardabil Medical Sciences, Semnan Medical Sciences, Shahrekord Medical Sciences and Medical sciences are Shahrood.


There are 13 technical universities of the country in this ranking, which are:


Sharif University of Technology, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran University of Science and Technology, Khajeh NasirUniversity of Technology, Shahrood University of Technology, Noshirvani University of Babol, Kerman University of Technology, Sahand University of Technology, Shiraz University of Technology, Malik Ashtar University of Technology , Kermanshah University of Technology, Urmia University of Technology are in this ranking system.


Among agricultural universities, only Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is present in this ranking.



 the number and the ranks of Iranian universities in  2022 ranking of universities in the Islamic world. It should be noted that the universities whose rankings are in the same range are all ranked the same and the order of the names is based on alphabetical letters (in English) in accordance with ISC ranking system.

In universities’ ranking of Islamic world 2022, universities that registered at least 500 documents in 2018-2020 in Web of Science (WoS) database were examined.


 The information of this ranking is collected from international databases such as USPTO and WoS Incites.


ISC in order to rank the universities of the Islamic world in its criteria which are research (60%), innovation (15%), education (10%) and international activities (15%) evaluates the universities.

The calculation of the number of retractions of universities with a negative score is given in an index called "Neg Rep".


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