ISC President, As A Keynote Speaker, Attended

ISC Attended at "2nd International Conference on Marine Sustainable Development"

13 February 2024 | 11:13 Code : 2225 News Important News

Dr. Seyed Ahmed Fazelzadeh, ISC president, gave a speech as a keynote speaker at the “2nd International Conference and the 4th National Conference on Marine Sustainable Development” held in Khoramshahr on Tuesday January 10th 2024.

This international conference was held with the presence of Admiral Dr. Habib Sayari, Deputy Coordinator of the I.R. of Iran Army force and other domestic and foreign guests and researchers in marine sciences.

Dr. Seyed Ahmed Fazelzadeh, ISC president, started his speech with conducting the importance of sustainable development in the sea and said: “According to our Supreme Leader’s announcement in the general policies of sea-oriented development, which was announced on 7th Nov. 2023, "seas, especially open seas and oceans, are God's gifts and abundant reserves and resources for the development of science and technology, increasing work and wealth, providing vital needs and producing authority and are a suitable platform for civilization. Also, in his announcement, the he mentioned about the capacity and position of Iran in the use of the sea: "Iran, with its privileged geographical position and being located between the two seas and having thousands of kilometers of coasts and islands and many capacities left on earth, it is necessary to be present in the coast, offshore, sea and ocean and use it as a driver and axis of the country's development where it could achieve a worthy regional and global position in the use of the sea.

He continued: The Islamic Republic of Iran has 2,700 km of water border and 5,800 km of coastline, which has a good potential for expanding the knowledge-based economy based on the sea.

Fazelzadeh added: The 86th naval flotilla of the army consisting of the Iranian destroyer Dena and the Makran navigator completed a 360-degree circuit around the globe after eight months of sailing and more than 65 thousand kilometers of seafaring.

Fazelzadeh went on to explain the maritime-oriented international scientific productions of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He said: The Islamic Republic of Iran ranked 15 according to Scopus and 17 according to Web of Science. Also, according to the 2023 report of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) regarding the top innovative economies, the countries of India, Iran and Kazakhstan in the Central and South Asian region are ranked first to third. In the field of sea-oriented international scientific productions (2013-2022), Iran ranks 32 internationally and 4th among Islamic countries with 2816 documents. Charts 1 and 2 show the position of the world countries and Islamic countries in the field of sea-based scientific productions (2013-2022).

tags: ISC conferences

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