Leiden University Ranking 2018

22 May 2018 | 14:19 Code : 23 Important News
The Leading Ranking System ranked the world''s top universities in 2018. In the ranking of this year''s system, 23 universities from the Islamic Republic of Iran were among the 938 top universities in the world, while in 2017 this number was equal to 18 universities.
Leiden University Ranking 2018

  The Leading Ranking System ranked the world''s top universities in 2018. In the ranking of this year''s system, 23 universities from the Islamic Republic of Iran were among the 938 top universities in the world, while in 2017 this number was equal to 18 universities. In current year ranking, 23 universities from the Islamic Republic of Iran were among the 938 top universities in the world, while in 2017 this number was 18. 
In 2018, universities in the world ranked 9 indicators in the form of 2 general standards of scientific authority and scientific diplomacy in Leiden. These evaluations have used Web-based databases from 2013 to 2016 in the scientific production of universities. Scientific authority criteria (scientific impact) are used for indicators such as 1% highly cited papers, 5% highly cited papers, 10% highly cited papers and 50% highly cited papers. 

In the ranking of 2018, Turkey has 19 universities, Malaysia has 5, and Saudi Arabia has 4 universities, and the number for those countries in 2017 was 16, 5 and 4, respectively.

In 2018 ranking, universities of Tehran, Amirkabir, Tehran Medical University, Sharif University, Tarbiat Modares, Industrial Esfahan, Iran Science and Technology, Ferdowsi, Shiraz, Tabriz, Shahid Beheshti Medical Sciences, Tehran, Shahid Beheshti, Khajeh Nasir, Isfahan, Gilan, Kashan, Medical School of Isfahan, Shiraz Medical University, Tabriz University Hospital, Mashhad Medical Center, Bu Ali Sina and Shahid Bahonar in Kerman are in the list.

tags: Ranking Leiden University Ranking

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