Iran’s rank in the region

30 January 2012 | 02:30 Code : 305 archive news
According to Thomson Reuters (ISI), Iran with 22 hot papers takes ahead of turkey. Hot papers are those which are cited immediately after publishing compared to other articles of the same field. Scientific capabilities of the countries and authors can be measured by “hot papers”.
Iran’s rank in the region

According to Thomson Reuters (ISI), Iran with 22 hot papers takes ahead of turkey. Hot papers are those which are cited immediately after publishing compared to other articles of the same field. Scientific capabilities of the countries and authors can be measured by “hot papers”. Hot papers are updated every two months and should be published within the last two years. They are selected by virtue of being cited among the top one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) in a current bimonthly period.

Comparing Iran with other Islamic countries in ESI shows that Iran has placed in the first rank regarding the number of hot papers within 10 last years up to January 2012.

Rank Country

1 Iran

2 Turkey

2 Malaysia

3 Egypt

4 Saudi Arabia

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