173 Iranian researchers among world top scientists

15 July 2015 | 02:30 Code : 483 archive news
173 Iranian scientists are among the 1% top scientists in the world.
173 Iranian researchers among world top scientists

173 Iranian scientists are among the 1% top scientists in the world.

Acting President of Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC) Mohammad-Javad Dehghani underlined the significance of identification of scientific elites as the most important factor in scientific development.

He noted that 50.8 percent of the scientists are working on fundamental sciences, 21.4 percent on medical sciences, 21 percent on technical and engineering sciences, 6.4 percent on agricultural sciences and 0.6 percent on social sciences.

The universities of Sharif, Isfahan, Amirkabir, Science and Technology as well as Babol Noshirvani University of Technology had the most top Iranian scientists, he said.

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