16% Growth in Iran’s Quantity of Research/ Iran’s Highest Scientific Growth Rate over the Last 4 Years

09 October 2016 | 01:30 Code : 487 archive news
Quantity of research is considered as one of the important aspects of scientific achievements of any country proving researchers’ capabilities of countries, Dr. Mohammad Javad Dehghani, President of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), announced.

Quantity of research is considered as one of the important aspects of scientific achievements of any country proving researchers’ capabilities of countries,Dr. Mohammad Javad Dehghani, President of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), announced.

Dehghani explained that assessing 25 countries with the highest quantity of scientific output in 2014 and 2015 in ISI Thomson Reuters, revealed that in 2015 in comparison to 2014, Iran has experienced a 16% growth in quantity of research; accordingly, Iran now ranks 19th in scientific output growth rate in the world, which is so significant in comparison to countries with highest quantitative growth.

“In 2014, Iran’s share of world’s total number of scientific documents (quantitative indicator of research) was 1.4%, while this share grew to 1.5% in 2015,” Dehaghani said.

Over 2011-2015 period, the number of indexed documents of Iran in ISI Thomson Reuters were respectively 28464,30351,30941,32155, and 37261ones, revealing 7%,2%,4%, and 16% growth and signifying remarkable improvement in quantity of research over those years.

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