Iran is up 19 places this year to rank 20th for the Highly-cited and Hot papers’ publication in the world

12 November 2016 | 02:30 Code : 574 archive news
Dr. Mohammad Javad Dehghani, President of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), announced Web of Science data extracted on Nov. 10th, 2016 reveals that Iran is up 19 places this year to rank 20th for the Highly-cited and hot papers’ publication in the world.

Dr. Mohammad Javad Dehghani, President of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), announced Web of Science data extracted on Nov. 10th, 2016 reveals that Iran is up 19 places this year to rank 20th for the Highly-cited and hot papers’ publication in the world.

Ranking 39th in 2011, now in 2016 Iran ranks 20th, Dehghani said.

The number of Iran’s Highly-cited and hot papers (top 1% of papers) since 2007 to 2016 is 56,42,52,86,74,105,147,186, 246,223, respectively, while total scientific output over these years were respectively 10495,11222,11728,12128,12925,13648,14344,14767, 15322, and 10083 documents.

Iran’s share of total number of world’s top 1% of papers (2007-2016)

Hot Papers are papers that receive citations soon after publication, relative to other papers of the same field and age. Hot papers are selected by virtue of being cited among the top one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) in a current bimonthly period.

Papers are selected in each of 22 fields of science and must be published within the last two years. Because the hot papers are updated every two months, new papers are added with every update, tracks these new additions.


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