Iran’s Scientific Output in continuous increase /32% Growth in Q1 Journals

14 December 2016 | 02:30 Code : 608 archive news
Dr. Mohammad Javad Dehghani, President of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), announced Web of Science data extracted on December 2016 reveals that Iran’s Scientific Output is in continuous increase.
Dr. Mohammad Javad Dehghani, President of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), announced Web of Science data extracted on December 2016 reveals that Iran’s Scientific Output is in continuous increase.

Dehghani said: In the world of science, the number of citations is the most decisive indicator of scientific authority. Citations show the extent to which scientific outputs are used and referred to. The more the number of received citations, the more scientific impact a country has. A comparison of scientific output of Iran in 2011 and 2015, reveals that in the last 5 years, the number of scientific documents of Iran indexed in the most accredited journals of the world (Q1 journals) has experienced a 32% growth. This growth rate is two times more than the world’s average publication growth in Q1 journals. The first quartile (Q1) represents the top 25% journals within a subject category with regard to received citations and impact factor.

He elaborated: in 2011-2015 period, every year more than 2 million documents have been indexed in Web of Science. Total world’s growth in 2012,2013,2014,2015 has respectively been 5%, 4%, 2%, and 6%. So over the last 4 years the most growth has taken place in 2015, when the scientific output growth was exactly 5.9%.


Increase in Quantity of Scientific Output

President of Islamic World Science Citation Center indicated that according to ISI Web of Science, since 2011 to 2015, every year averagely 32,000 documents of Iranian researchers have been indexed in ISI, however, the growth of indexed documents is different in each year. Iran’s scientific output growth in 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 was respectively 7, 3, 5, and 17, so the most growth has taken place in 2015 that is exactly 16.9%. This growth is 2.8 times more than world’s average scientific output growth; accordingly in 2015 Iran is placed among the top 25 most proliferative countries of the world.

Dehghani continued: one of the significant factors revealing world’s scientific output is the number of articles published in first quartile (Q1) journals. Based on the recent data extracted from Web of Science, Iran’s share of world’s total scientific output has increased from 792791 documents in 2011 to 932770 ones in 2015 which reveals a 17.6% growth.


Dehghani added: Iran’s number of documents published in Q1 journals in 2011 was 5878 ones, while this number grew to 7779 articles in 2015, revealing a 32% growth.


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