SCImago released 2012 rankings

27 May 2013 | 02:30 Code : 690 archive news
The report shows a set of bibliometric indicators that unveil some of the main dimensions of research performance of worldwide research devoted institutions. SCImago world report 2012 aims at becoming an evaluation framework of research performance to Worldwide Research Organizations.
SCImago released 2012 rankings

The report shows a set of bibliometric indicators that unveil some of the main dimensions of research performance of worldwide research devoted institutions. SCImago world report 2012 aims at becoming an evaluation framework of research performance to Worldwide Research Organizations.
The period analyzed in the current edition covers 2006-2010. The tables include institutions having published at least 100 scientific documents of any type which is collected by Scopus. SCImago World Reports 2012 is the most comprehensive ranking of Worldwide Research Institutions. The ranking now includes 3,290 institutions that together are responsible for more than 80% of worldwide scientific output during the term 2006-10 as indexed in Elsevier’s Scopus database.
Taking into account the number of institutions, the ranking is still commanded by USA, with 521. China, second in the ranking shortens the distance thanks to its 332.
The Number of Iran’s research institutions and universities in this ranking is 45 which 6 of them are in Ministry of Health and Medical Education and others are in Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.
In this ranking, they have shown just the name of three research institutions of Iran which are Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Shariati hospital and materials and Energy Research Center.
Universities which obtain high scores in Iran are: 1- Azad University 2- Tehran University 3- Tehran University of Medical Sciences 4- Sharif University of Technology 5- Amirkabir University of Technology 6- Tarbiat Modares University 7- Iran University of Science and Technology 8- Shiraz University 9- Isfahan University of Technology 10- Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.

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