Iran has the highest level of science and technology indicator in OIC countries

19 December 2010 | 02:30 Code : 95 archive news
Dr. Jafar Mehrad, president of RICeST and ISC, said there are different indicators to be investigated regarding scientific research in Islamic countries. One is human force in research and development. It is vital to have enough qualified researchers for developing and innovating science and technology.
Iran has the highest level of science and technology indicator in OIC countries

He stated that among Islamic countries, there are only 7 out of 29 OIC member countries for which intended data are available. Among these countries Jordan and Tunisia are higher than the world average with regard to their number of researchers.
As a whole seven OIC member countries have less than 100 researchers in one million populations who are more in the countries in lower part of Africa desert.
UNESCO statistics does not show any clear figure for Iran in this regard. However, map of research and development in Islamic countries shows that Iran has between 1000 to 3000 researchers in each million population. Also Turkey and Kazakhstan have the same stated indicator. Sending continuous and exact statistics from the Institute of Research and Higher Education Planning to UNESCO can present true picture of research and development of Islamic Republic of Iran.
Another indicator is the women’s role in research activities. Women in OIC member countries have dedicated about 26.8% of all researchers to themselves which is less than the world average (5.29%).
According to the available data, the share of women in total number of researchers is more than the world average in 10 countries out of 24 OIC member countries. The countries are Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Tunisia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Sudan, Uganda and Algeria.
Iran has a higher level among OIC member countries in Science and technology indicator and women’s cooperation.

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