Iran Science Output increased to 130 times after the Islamic Revolution

08 February 2017 | 02:30 Code : 979 archive news
Base on the Citations of Scopus International Database , the number of records registered after the Islamic revolution are 397212 and therefore science output of Iran shows growth of 130 times.
Base on the Citations of Scopus International Database , the number of records registered after the Islamic revolution are 397212 and therefore science output of Iran shows growth of 130 times.

The president of ISC, Dr. Dehghani, indicated that Scopus International Citation Database predicated the information of records published by Iran researchers from 1197 Hijri. In this database during 160 years before revolution, only 3071 documents from Iran were indexed while; the numbers of indexed documents after the Islamic revolution are reached to 397212.


The graph below shows the number of records in five subjects’ categories of Engineering, Medical Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Agriculture, registered before and after revolution. For example more than 97% of science output in Humanities and Social Sciences are related to after revolution era.

He added: considering the advent of new technologies and the need for science development in some fields, the rate of their growth are different from each other. Based on extracted statistics, the Science has the most growth rate by 265 times.

Other subjects’ categories of Engineering, Medical Sciences, Agriculture and Humanities and Social Sciences have the growth of 230, 76, 41 and 34 times respectively compared to the before revolution era.


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