The National Top Scientists Symposium was held in Shiraz

26 February 2017 | 02:30 Code : 990 archive news
The first National Top Scientists Symposium was held with the presence of more than 200 top scientists, in Shiraz, in Feb.18-19, 2017.

The first National Top Scientists Symposium was held with the presence of more than 200 top scientists, in Shiraz, in Feb.18-19, 2017.
This Symposium covered three panels of the position of Islamic World Science Citation Center, higher education opportunities and challenges, and promoting and developing third- generation universities.

The participants in this symposium were scientists who had scientific impact in international level based on the number of citations to their papers and so were among the 1% top scientists of the world.

Dr. Mohammad Javad Dehghani, President of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) pointing to the “National Top Scientists Symposium” said: the criterion of selecting these scientists was the number of citations in the period of 10 years. They are selected from different fields such as Science, Engineering, Medical Science, Agricultural Science, etc…

Some important articles of the statement of the symposium are as below:
- Organizing a permanent secretariat of the Islamic world top scientists
- Emphasizing on ISC in organizing and validating scientific –research conferences , valid journals of the Islamic world countries and preparing necessary frameworks for developing nonacademic journals
- Organizing and Managing specialized teams of top scientists in different science subject areas
- Honoring and supporting top scientists of the Islamic world by granting international awards by ISC, National Elites Foundation and Deputy of Science and Technology of the presidency
- Indexing research priorities of public and private institutions, Idea banks and unresolved scientific issues by ISC

It is worth mentioning that from the responsibilities of ISC are introducing the most cited universities and scientific authorities, reporting qualitative growth of scientific output of the Islamic countries and introducing top universities in producing the most cited articles in national and international areas.


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