Malaysia’s scientific publications growth 18 times more than the world’s average; ISC says

27 February 2017 | 02:30 Code : 993 archive news
According to the findings of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), Malaysia’s growth in scientific publications over the past 16 years (Since 2000-2016) is 18 times more than the world’s average.

According to the findings of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), Malaysia’s growth in scientific publications over the past 16 years (Since 2000-2016) is 18 times more than the world’s average.
"The world’s growth in scientific publication over the last 16 years was 77%, and OIC’s progress was 666%, which is 18 times more than the world’s average, DR. Dehghani, President of ISC declared in the Scientific Workshop jointly organized by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Scientific Counsellor of Iran in East Asia, here in Kuala Lumpure.

Malaysia’s growth in scientific publication in the same period is 1374%, which is 18 times more than the world’s average, Dehghani said in the presence of over 150 Researchers, Scholars and Professors from different universities at the workshop.

He compared the total number of scientific publications of OIC and Malaysia as an Islamic country in 2000 and 2016 and added: It is noteworthy that in the year 2000, OIC’s share of world’s total number of scientific publications was 1.8%, while in 2016 it has reached 7.9%, which is a remarkable growth, where the highest contribution came from Turkey, Iran and Malaysia.

President of the ISC added: Malaysia’s share of world’s total number of publication in 2000 was 0.1% while in 2016 it has reached 0.8%.

“Since 2000-2016, world’s growth in agricultural sciences was 72%, while OIC’s and Malaysia’s growth rate was 450% and 447% respectively.”

“In engineering and technology, world’s progress was 222%, while OIC’s and Malaysia’s growth in this field was 1090% and 3226% respectively.”

With regard to humanities, Dehghani added, world’s publications progress rate was - 6% but OIC and Malaysia improved to 1088% and 4440% respectively. Similarly, world’s growth in medical and health sciences was 71%, while OIC’s and Malaysia’s development was 543% and 915%.

According to him, in natural sciences, world’s growth was 64%, while OIC’s and Malaysia’s progress in this field was 601% and 1067%. In social sciences, world’s growth was 74% and in OIC and Malaysia, this growth was 976% and 2033% respectively.

DR. Dehghani, President of the ISC and his deputy in Research Affairs, Dr. Ali Gazni, visited Malaysia this week for giving reports on "The Malaysian Scientific Publication: A Comprehensive Evaluation & Research Excellence and Research Leadership" at four state Universities including UPM, UTM, UiTM and USM jointly organized with Scientific Cousellor of Iran in East Asia.

During their stay in Malaysia, ISC also has signed few MOU with Some Malaysian Universities including UPM, UiTM and USM.

Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC) is a citation index established by the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) after it was approved by the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC).

Located in Shiraz, Iran, It was announced in Baku, Azerbaijan during the Fourth Islamic Conference of the Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research held in October 2008.

ISC latter on has partnered with other Citation Centres such as Scopus and ISI that allows ISC's publications to be indexed in their data base.


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