
System of “ISC Worlds Scientific Contribution reports” was uncovered formally

System of “ISC Worlds Scientific Contribution reports” was uncovered formally

By the Request of Vice-minister in research affairs of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and to inform Iran’s scientific society about the scope of science production of the universities and research centers, Islamic World Science Citation Center has designed a system through which Iran’s scientific productions indexed in ISC and ISI are shown daily.

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University ranking in 2011

University ranking in 2011

Following successful ranking of governmental and nongovernmental universities and research centers in 2010, Islamic World Science Citation Center has started its second ranking in 2011 and sent necessary questionnaires and indicators table for preparing and gathering information and documents to universities and research centers.

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Indian publications will be indexed to ISC for the first time

Indian publications will be indexed to ISC for the first time

India is willing to index its publications to ISC for the first time.<br/>Ms. Najme Hamidifard, Director of the office of International Scientific Cooperations of ISC announced that, the editor in chief of National Journal of Research in Medical Sciences which is published in English in Gujarat, India, requested that the journal be indexed to ISC.<br/>

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