
The Reasons of not Holding IFLA in Iran

The Reasons of not Holding IFLA in Iran

Prof. Dr. Mehrad President of Regional Information Center for Science and Technology (RICeST) stated that IFLA(International Federation of Library Associations) <br/>Annual Conference is not held in Iran, because of the following reasons:<br/>

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Producing 12 thousands articles by Iranian scientists in 2012

Producing 12 thousands articles by Iranian scientists in 2012

President of ISC stated that from January 2012 to 21 July, 2012, 12 thousands articles were produced by Iranian researchers and declared that Islamic Azad University with the rank of 30, Tehran University with 166 and Tehran University of Medical Sciences with 204, Sharif Industrial University with 352 and Tarbiat Modares University with the rank of 374, were top Iranian universities in science production during this time.

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Universitiy ranking of Iran, 2012, is published by ISC

Universitiy ranking of Iran, 2012, is published by ISC

ISC has announced the list of top universities of Iran in 2012. In this ranking the criteria and indicators used are those approved by ranking experts and representatives of higher education of the Islamic countries in 2007 and under supervision of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, I. R. of Iran.

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Luminosity of young universities in Times ranking / List of 10 top young universities

Luminosity of young universities in Times ranking / List of 10 top young universities

Times Ranking System has published the list of 100 Top universities which have under 50 years old. This ranking aims to show which nations are challenging the US and the UK as higher education powerhouses - and offers insights into which institutions may be future world leaders. The list uses the same 13 performance indicators as the THE World University Rankings, but with a reduced weighting for subjective indicators of academic reputation.

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