
Iran among 100 top universities

Iran among 100 top universities

According to the Public Relations Office of International and Scientific Cooperation, Dr. Jafar Mehrad, the president of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) said: “with the release of the most recent ranking of universities by Times Institute, I.R of Iran is in this rankling for the first time and Iran is among 100 top universities of Asia. In addition to the ranking of Sharif University of Technology that always has had the top spot, there are two other universities as well.”

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Iran’s scientific production

Iran’s scientific production

Dr. Mehrad mentioned that Iran maintains sixteenth place in producing science and he gave the newest statistics in Iran’s scientific growth of the last year

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Sixth Islamic Conference of Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Sixth Islamic Conference of Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Sixth Islamic Conference of Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research held in Khartoum, Sudan, on 20-21 November 2012. It is worth mentioning that the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) held this Conference, in coordination with the OIC General Secretariat and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Sudan.

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Request of two journals from Turkey for indexing in ISC

Request of two journals from Turkey for indexing in ISC

Request of two journals from Turkey for indexing in ISC Dr. Ahmad Tobeh, Editor – in – chief of International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production with International Standard NO: 2051-1914 has requested ISC to index in its data base.

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Iran has gained the 16th rank in the world and the first rank in region

Iran has gained the 16th rank in the world and the first rank in region

The president of Regional Information Center for Science & Technology by referring to the last status of Iran’s science production in 2012 pointed to our country competitors in producing science and expressed: the scientific gap between Netherland, Brazil and Taiwan is not so far from Islamic Republic of Iran.

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