
Shiraz Hosted University Chancellors, Scientific Journal Editors and ISC Representatives

Shiraz Hosted University Chancellors, Scientific Journal Editors and ISC Representatives

University chancellors, scientific journal Editors and ISC representatives in the Islamic countries visited the Islamic World Science Citation Center in Shiraz. <br/>37 guests from Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Pakistan, Oman, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Syria and Egypt as well as representatives from Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Sudan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh visited the new building of the Islamic World Science Citation Center on their arrival to Shiraz on Saturday morning, October 30th, 2010. These representatives who have scientific and research cooperation with ISC were notified of its programs and services. <br/>

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Iran Has Risen to a Higher Rank in Scientific Production in 2009

Iran Has Risen to a Higher Rank in Scientific Production in 2009

Iran has risen to the rank of 22 in scientific production in 2009. That is the result of Iranian scientist, faculty member and researchers’ efforts.<br/><br/>Dr. Jafar Mehrad, President of the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), announced that the number of scientific production of Iranian scientists is 16978 articles which have been published in the accredited international journals. According to Dr. Mehrad, Turkey with 25440 articles is in the 18th rank in this year.<br/><br/>

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Major Changes in the Methodology of the Times Higher Education (THE) System

Major Changes in the Methodology of the Times Higher Education (THE) System

Times Higher Education (THE) system has changed and reconsidered its criteria and indicators in 2010.<br/><br/>Dr. Jafar Mehrad, president of the Regional Information Center for Science and Technology, said that the major modifications in Times Higher Education criteria and indicators have been done with the aim of increasing the balance and clarity in ranking the world universities.<br/><br/>

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Top world Universities in 5 Subject Fields/ Far East Universities are the Best in Asia

Top world Universities in 5 Subject Fields/ Far East Universities are the Best in Asia

Dr. Jafar Mehrad, President of the Regional Information Center for Science and Technology, explained the status of top world universities in 5 subject fields. He said that QS ranking system has investigated the status of universities of the world in 5 subject fields including Humanities and Arts, Biology and Medical Sciences, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Technology, and Engineering Sciences.

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Ranking of the Asian universities: Japanese universities are top among the Asian universities. Malaysian universities are among the most accredited world universities.

Ranking of the Asian universities: Japanese universities are top among the Asian universities. Malaysian universities are among the most accredited world universities.

Announcing results of ranking of the Asian universities, president of the Regional Information Center for Science and Technology said that Tokyo University of Japan is at the top of the list of Asian universities. He said that Malaysian universities are among the most accredited universities of the world. <br/><br/>

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