
Last Update At : : 08 November 2023

What are the required conditions to give a request for being indexed in ISC?

-Publishing at least 3 issues

-Having an independent website

-Having an ISSN

-Having at least one communication link (phone & mobile)


tags: indexing Conditions Request ISC

How long does the evaluation process take?

The time for evaluation process differs based on the number of journals, but be sure that the evaluation result will be informed via email.

tags: Evaluation ISC Process Time

How can journals give a request for being indexed in ISC  

Journals could send their request with necessary documentation to the email address: journals@isc.ac.

tags: Evaluation indexing Request ISC Documentations Email

What information should the requested email involve? 

It should be included Journal’s title, publisher, ISSN, email address and contact information.

tags: Request Evaluation Bibliographic information Email

What should a journal do to be indexed in ISC?  

In order to be indexed in ISC, journals need to send their indexing request plus complete information about their journal such as editorial board, publisher, ISSN, website, and email address to info@isc.ac to put their journal under evaluation. The evaluation result would be informed via email in a few weeks.

If the evaluation result is positive, the next step would be registering in Fast XML Uploading System and defining an id, i.e. the journal title and a password to be able to log in and upload PDF and XML files. Tutorial in Fast XML Uploading System will teach how to do so.

tags: Evaluation ISC indexing

How to access the list of indexed journals in ISC?

In order to have access to the list of indexed journals in ISC, you can visit “ISC Master Journal List” under Tools on the main page and refer to “All ISC Research Journals”, or directly visit the following link: https://mjl.isc.ac/Default.aspx?lan=en


tags: Indexed journals in ISC ISC ISC Master Journals list

How to access the list of Journals with impact factor in ISC?

In order to have access to the list of Journals with impact factor in ISC, you can visit “English JCR” in ISC Databases on the main page and refer to “English Journal Citation Reports (EJCR)”, or directly visit the following link:



tags: ISC Impact factor JCR English Journal Citation Reports

What are some reasons that a journal is not included in the list of Journals with impact factor in ISC/ English Journal Citation Reports (EJCR)?

  1. The Journal’s archive (journal issues) was not updated at the time of Impact Factor calculation.
  2. The journal was not indexed in ISC at the time of Impact Factor calculation.

tags: English Journal Citation Reports JCR ISC Impact factor

What are some reasons that a journal has an impact factor of “0” in Journal Citation Reports (JCR)?

The Impact Factor of journals are calculated based on the following formula:


tags: ISC Impact factor JCR English Journal Citation Reports Impact Factor Calculation formula

How to access the list of Journals in Journal Citation Reports (JCR) in a specific field?

In order to have access to the list of Journals with impact factor in ISC in a specific research field, you can visit “English JCR” in ISC Databases on the main page and refer to “English Journal Citation Reports (EJCR)”,



tags: Impact factor ISC JCR English Journal Citation Reports Main Subject Sub Subject specific research field

What are the criteria of journals ranking in ISC? How to access the information about journals ranking?

Journals are categorized based on specific fields of research in different quartiles as Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 regarding their Impact Factor, and journals with no Q (journals bearing impact factor 0) are shown as a backslash on Q.

In order to have access to the information about journals ranking, you can visit “English JCR” in ISC Databases on the main page and refer to “English Journal Citation Reports (EJCR)”, or directly visit the following link:



Q, Impact Factor, ISC, JCR, English Journal Citation Reports, Journals Ranking

tags: Impact factor Quality ISC JCR English Journal Citation Reports Journals Ranking

How to log in when you have forgotten the password?

You can click on “Forgot your password?”, and insert the email which you have used in sign-up process. The password will be sent to that email address (or it might be landed in the spam folder).


tags: Fast XML Uploading System ISC password log in Email

Is it possible to edit the information of a rejected issue?

The answer is “No”. You should send the issue again.

tags: Fast XML Uploading System ISC Edit Rejected Issue

Is it possible to edit the information like keywords, authors, and authors’ affiliations in the uploaded XML file?

The answer is “No”. You should upload the XML file again after editing.

tags: ISC Fast XML Uploading System Edit XML File Keywords authors Authors' Affiliations

How would it be possible to edit the information of a journal like ISSN, email, telephone, etc. in Fast XML Uploading System?

You can edit the journal information in “Profile” which is accessible by clicking on the journal title.

tags: Fast XML Uploading System ISC Edit Profile Journal Information

What to do when the XML or XLS format is not supported in Fast XML Uploading System?

You can send us an email to “englishjournals@isc.ac” and ask for supported XML or XLS templates.


tags: Fast XML Uploading System ISC XML format XLS Format Email XML Template XLS Template

What to do when the XML size is not acceptable in Fast XML Uploading System?

You should reduce the XML size so that it is acceptable in Fast XML Uploading System.

tags: Fast XML Uploading System Indexed journals in ISC XML Size