
University of Tehran is Top among the Islamic World Universities

University of Tehran is Top among the Islamic World Universities

Prof. Mehrad, president of the Regional Information Center for Science and Technology, comparing the status of Iran’s scientific productions before and after the Islamic Revolution, said that the scientific production of Iran ranks 22 in the world. This country is also in the second rank among the regional countries. Moreover, according to the latest statistics the University of Tehran is the top university of the Islamic world. This university with nearly 1500 articles is first among the university and research centers of the Islamic countries.<br/><br/>

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Ranking of the World Countries’ Scientific Production in 4 Sciences

Ranking of the World Countries’ Scientific Production in 4 Sciences

Prof. Jafar Mehrad, president of the Regional Information Center for Science and Technology, announced Iran’s scientific progress in Agricultural Sciences, Chemistry, Medical Sciences and Computer Sciences. <br/><br/>Prof. Mehrad stressing Iran’s astonishing scientific progress and Iranian scientists’ great achievements in university and research centers during recent years, said that recently Higher Education authorities have paid due attention to Iran’s scientific productions.<br/>

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Scientific Production of Iran in 2011

Scientific Production of Iran in 2011

Dr. Mehrad, president of the Regional Information Center for Science and Technology, describing the status of Iran’s scientific production in 2010 and 2011 said that Iran, Turkey and Singapore have respectively produced 25, 36 and 205 scientific articles per 100000 individuals. <br/><br/>According to Dr. Mehrad, Iranian scientists have published 400 articles in the international accredited journals during the first 15 days of the new year. <br/>

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Islamic Countries’ Investment in Research is Low in the World

Islamic Countries’ Investment in Research is Low in the World

Dr. Jafar Mehrad, President of the Islamic world Science Citation Center (ISC) said that the budget per capita for Research and Development in all the Islamic countries is 23.3 dollars which is much low compared to the world average (194 dollars) and the EU (524 dollars). Iran with 66.7 dollars ranks third among the Islamic countries after Turkey with 95.2 dollars and Malaysia with 70 dollars. <br/><br/>

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Newest ranking: Iran went ahead of Turkey in Science production

Newest ranking: Iran went ahead of Turkey in Science production

According to Prof. Mehrad, President of RICeST and ISC, the rank of Iran was 17 in Scopus citation database in 2010 and went a head of Turkey and reached to the first rank in the Region.<br/>Prof. Mehrad said: A purposeful investment in higher education, has led Iran’s science production in the new way. By establishing higher education courses and attracting more students in these courses, science production has been highly increased.<br/>

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World University Ranking

World University Ranking

Report of the world university ranking that was done by Saimago (SIR) in 2010 was published. In this report 2833 universities and research institutes in different countries were ranked. This ranking which is a credible source for science and research directors, analyzes research performance, international cooperation and scientific impact of an institute.

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